Outdoor and adventure activities
Outdoor and adventure activities are facets of the physical education curriculum concerned with walking,
cycling, camping and water-based activities, orienteering, and outdoor challenge activities. Orienteering is an
exciting activity that combines the geographical skills of map work, the physical activity of walking or running
and the adventure of exploring unfamiliar locations. It can be introduced through preliminary exercises on the
school site. Outdoor challenge activities include trust or co-operative activities, group problem-solving
exercises, and physical challenges such as those presented by rope courses and adventure play apparatus.
Water-based activities may be included in the programme, providing opportunities for canoeing or sailing.
These activities, which are mainly non-competitive, offer alternative avenues for pupil achievement and
encouragement to adopt a healthy life-style based on an enjoyment and appreciation of the outdoors.
O'Brennan National School, Kielduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 AE73
Phone: 066 713 7448