Physical Education

The PE curriculum is divided into 6 strands:
Outdoor and Adventure activities
Each year we focus on one strand in particular.
Fundamental Movement Skills also form a core part of our PE programme with specific skills taught and explored in line with specific strand units. There are 15 Fundamental Movement Skills in total and each of these skills are developed in each class over the duration of each child's time in primary school. Our school PE plan outlines this structure in more detail. The Fundamental Movement Skills are:
Locomotor: Walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping for height, jumping for distance, dodging, side-stepping
Stability: Balancing, landing
Manipulative: Catching, throwing, kicking, striking with the hand, striking with an implement
O'Brennan National School, Kielduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 AE73
Phone: 066 713 7448